Reem Mansour
Office: Floor 16, Room 1601, Eshkol Tower
Office hours: Fall semester, 12:30-13:30 on Mondays and Thursdays, by appointment only
E-mail: rmansour4@staff.haifa.ac.il
Scientific biography: My research looks into how contemporary neo-slave narratives reimagine and re-adapt the antebellum past by means of the fantastic. I primarily focus on politics of representation and revisionist history through a Black feminist lens and raise questions about intergenerational trauma, historical archives, memory, and the body. Beyond my interest in African American literature, I am curious about West African cosmologies in post-1960s African American fiction.
Fields of research and instruction (keywords): 20-21st Century African American Literature; Slave Narratives; Speculative Fiction; CRF; Prose Fiction.