PhD in English Literature

Chair of the PhD Committee: Prof. Ayelet Ben- Yishai

Information on PhD: see Graduate Studies Authority regulations here.


The normative duration for PhD studies is 4 years.

The course of study is divided into two stages:
Research phase A: The duration of studies in research phase A shall not exceed two years. During this period of study, and no later than the end of the first academic year, the student will be required to complete the research proposal, obtain the supervisor’s approval of the proposal and submit it for review by the Department PhD Committee, and meet other requirements imposed by the Committee.

Research phase B: The duration of studies in research phase B shall be from the end of research phase A and up to four years from the beginning of their PhD studies. During this phase, the student will be required to complete the writing of the doctoral dissertation, obtain the approval of the supervisor (and the accompanying committee, if appointed), the approval of the Departmental PhD Committee, and submit their work to the Graduate Studies Authority for evaluation.

Submission of a doctoral dissertation: Upon completion of the research project, the work will be submitted with the signature of the supervisor(s) to the Departmental PhD Committee. After a check is made that the student has completed all of their requirements as mandated by the regulations, the work will be forwarded to the Graduate Studies Authority for evaluation in accordance with the regulations.

Direct PhD track

Program Structure:

  1. Completion of courses, with a numerical grade, of at least 28 hours-per-week at the MA level with a weighted grade of at least 90.
  2. Submission of two seminar assignments. The student must obtain a grade of at least 90 on each of the two seminar assignments.
  3. To transition from the first to the second year, the student must complete coursework of at least 16 hours-per-week, with a weighted grade of at least 90, and at least one seminar with at least a 90 on the assignment.
  4. Submit a PhD proposal no later than the beginning of the fourth semester of study.

    The duration of these assignments is two years.

    Upon approval of the doctoral research proposal and upon meeting all the curriculum requirements above, the student will move on to the status of a PhD student, within which s/he will conduct the research and write the dissertation.

    The duration of the studies for writing a dissertation is three years.

    Once the requirements of the Direct PhD track as described above are fulfilled and the doctoral research proposal is approved, the student will receive an MA Diploma.

Preliminary Research Studies track

This track is intended for candidates who have completed their MA degree without a thesis.

Track Requirements:

  1. Completing the thesis.
  2. If necessary, adherence to the curriculum which may be assigned by the Departmental PhD Committee.

    Graduation in this track does not constitute an automatic acceptance for the PhD degree.