Dr. Reut Barzilai
Office: Floor 16, Room 1614, Eshkol Tower.
Office hours:
Fall Semester: Mondays – 14:30 – 15:30
Phone: 04-8288232
Internal: 58232
Email: reut.barzilai@gmail.com
Scientific biography: My research so far has centered on two aspects of Shakespeare criticism: the study of his plays in their cultural and historical context, and the study of the plays’ global adaptations.
My first book, Venus’s Palace: Shakespeare and the Antitheatricalists, explores the relations between Shakespeare’s plays and the early modern antitheatrical discourse.
My next book project will focus on the ethical relationship between plays and audiences in the context of cultural concerns about deception and illusionism.
As part of my work on Shakespearean adaptations, I’ve explored the history of Hamlet on the Israeli stage, showing how the play was repeatedly employed here as a mark of “Europeanness.” I am currently completing an article (with Ruth S. Wenske) on Nobel Laureate Abdulrazak Gurnah’s adaptation of Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure in the novel Gravel Heart.
Fields of research & instruction (keyword): Shakespeare; early modern drama; adaptation studies.
Selected Publications:
- “In My Power: The Tempest as Shakespeare’s Antitheatrical Vision,” Shakespeare, 15:4, 2019, pp. 379-397. DOI: 1080/17450918.2018.1559221
- “Being European: Hamlet on the Israeli Stage,” Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance, vol. 21 (36), 2020, pp. 27–53. DOI:18778/2083-8530.21.0
Venus’s Palace: Shakespeare and the Antitheatricalists. Routledge, 2023.