Dr. Danny Luzon

Lecturer, Accessibility Liaison   

Office: Floor 16, Room 1615, Eshkol Tower  

Office hours: By appointment only. 

Email: dluzon@univ.haifa.ac.il

Scientific biography: I teach nineteenth- and twentieth-century American literature, in conversation with translation and migration studies, gender and sexuality studies, and novel theory. My research focuses on how various modes of alterity are negotiated through the aesthetic features of literary forms. I am currently working on a book project which explores the use of internal translation by Jewish immigrant authors of the mass migration period in response to tensions of global modernism. I trace in this translational strategy a distinctly modernist technique for engaging with a crisis of expression and temporal fragmentation. In addition to this project, I have also been researching transcendentalist feminist politics of language, and more specifically the relations between spirituality, embodiment, and discursive inscription.

Fields of Research & Instruction: Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century American Literature; Novel Theory; Translation Studies; Ethnicity & Migration; Feminist & Queer Theory; Literature and the Environment; Environmental Humanities.

Selected Publications:

  • “With the Loss of a Master-Signifier: Modernism and Translation in Lamed Shapiro’s American Yiddish Stories.” Dibur Literary Journal 7 (2019): 55-70. Read Essay
  • “The Language of Transcendentalism: Mysticism, Gender, and the Body in Julia Ward Howe’s The Hermaphrodite.” Nineteenth-Century Literature 76.3 (2021): 263-290. Read Essay
  • “Shakespeare ‘Translated and Improved’: The Translational Politics of the American Yiddish Theater and Its Afterlife.” American Literature 94.2 (2022): 273–299. Read Essay