Dr. Ayelet Langer

Senior Lecturer

Office: Floor 16, Room 1611, Eshkol Tower.

Phone: 04-8288309

Internal: 8309

Email: alanger@univ.haifa.ac.il

Scientific biography: I am interested in the classical, biblical, and early modern philosophical sources of early modern literature, with an emphasis on Milton.

Fields of Research & Instruction (keywords): Early Modern literature, John Milton, philosophy of time, Early Modern theories of the self, personal identity, and self-consciousness.

Selected Publication/s:

  • “Samson’s Lockean Self,” Journal of Early Modern Cultural Studies, 21.3 (2021):1-19.
  • “Identity over Time in Paradise Lost,” University of Toronto Quarterly 90.1 (2021): 42-57.
  • Langer, Ayelet C., “Milton’s Aristotelian Transformations in the Representation of Regenerative Change.” Modern Philology 118 No. 3 (2021): 390-408.
  • Langer, Ayelet, ““Meanwhile:” Paradisian Infinity in Milton’s Paradise Lost.” Partial Answers 19 No. 1 (2021).
  •  “Temporal Succession in Samson Agonistes,” Philosophy and Literature, 44.2 (2020): 298-309.
  • “Samson’s ‘I’ and ‘Now’: Their Development in Time,” Early Modern Literary Studies, 21 (2), 2020.
  •  “A Possible Source for John Milton’s Paradise Lost 12.270-79 in Job 42:5.” Notes and Queries, 67 (3) (2020), 383–385.
  • Langer, Ayelet, and Hon, Giora. “Milton’s Thomistic Distinction: On the Usefulness of the Distinction Between Mistake and Error in ‘Samson Agonistes’,” in Andreas Speer and Maxime Mauriège (eds.), Irrtum—Error—Erreur. Berlin and Boston: DeGruyter (Miscellanea Mediaeval 40), (2018), 745–757.
  • “Milton’s Aristotelian Now,” Milton Studies, 57 (2016), 95-117.
  • “Milton’s Aevum: The Time Structure of Prevenient Grace in Paradise Lost,” Early Modern Literary Studies, 17 (2014).
  • “‘Pardon may be Found in Time Besought:’ Two Time Structures of the Mind in Paradise Lost and McTaggart’s Theory of Time,” Milton Studies, 52 (2011), 169-183.

John Milton, Aeropagitica. Trans. A. Schtier. With an introduction by William Kolbrener. Shalem Press. Published in Public Sphere, Tel Aviv University, 2013: 143-147.

Research Grants:
Israel Science Foundation, “Uncovering the Now in Milton: A Means for Regeneration,” 2020-2023 (300,000 NIS). 

Personal website: https://ayeletlanger.wixsite.com/ayeletlanger